Tuesday, August 28, 2012


More than twice every working day, I am faced with the dilemma of choosing the "perfect" sink inside the ladies' room.

I wish I was able to take a decent photo to illustrate but I didn't want anybody to see me taking a picture of an inanimate subject inside the comfort room.

The farthest faucet dispenses extra-ultra-mega strong force of water. Enough to get your blouse wet and the blouse of the girl beside you.

The one in the middle is the exact opposite of the first one. You'll have a hard time gargling when your toothpaste is extra minty or if you had an oily lunch.

The last one dispenses just the right amount of water, but there's a huge sticker in the mirror, huge enough to prevent you from seeing your reflection.

It only shows that there can never be a perfect anything. You can always find a flaw and it's just up to you to prioritize the ones you can't let go and accept the things you have no control over. But you always have to choose.
